Saturday, 12 September 2020

Six steps to control and manage stress

Step 2, have a pleasant environment

Have a pleasant environment.

 Spring season is a pleasant time for all creatures. We can benefit from it to bring a smile to our face and mostly we benefit from its wonderful sun light. The sun light has an important role to play in our chemical processes in our body. Lack of sunshine may trigger negative effects in our moods and behaviours. There is a hormone called “melatonin” that contributes to tiredness. If you live in areas that have little sun light around the year, try to be active in outside sports like fishing, mountaineering, or just gardening.

 Use colours to cheer you up. Wearing clothes with bright colours, may seems to be odd for some people, fortunately, it does stimulates and bring positive feelings. Dark colour clothes may increase the effects of stress. You can try any colour that is cheering you up. If you find that is not convenient in your work place, try it in your own spare time, when you do sport or gardening. If none of all these stimulate you feelings, try colour art therapy.

      Add extra lighting in your environment. We may sometime feel that we need some privacy by turning the light down (using dimmer), or just accept the poor lighting with low wattage bulbs. Research proves that poor lighting can contribute and have great effects on stress. Technology has developed in the twenty first century, and providing us with low cost energy bulbs, which is good for your health and good for your pocket.

 Avoid fluorescent lights. If you have any of such bulbs/tubes replace them with the new energy saving bulbs if convenient.

 Your place where you are sleeping is the most important place for your health. Irregular sleep, in irregular environment, lack or too much of it will make the matter worse. If you cannot control it, try to use safe binaural beats to positively affect alpha, beta, theta, or use safe brainwavers. Try to adopt healthy lifestyle habits, by aiming at 8 hours of sleep (or the amount of hours that you body needs).

 Please refer to the next Blog for the next step.



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